CEPOS Full Paper Publication (RSP)

Previous Publication of the Conference materials in Revista de Stiinte Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques (http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/revistadestiintepolitice/)
(Online)-ISSN 2344 - 4452
ISSN-L 1584 - 224X

Publication of the CEPOS Conference articles at previous editions (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) in Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques – around 700-1000 pages of conference materials published/ year (archive issues 2012-2023) valuated and indexed by the following international databases: ERIH Plus, ProQuest, EBSCO, Gale Cengage Learning, Index Copernicus, Georgetown University Library, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB, Journal Seek, Intute Social Sciences available at http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/revistadestiintepolitice/acces.php
RSP contents include articles, comments, editorial notes, conference papers and book reviews in English

RSP EDITORIAL CONTENT Since its first appearance in 2004, RSP focused on enriching the interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences by highlighting the new topics of the regional developments such as: political action and theory in transition; regional security and political systems in former communist countries; the quality of democracy in Eastern Europe; the threats to political pluralism and liberal society; the European and Euro-Atlantic integration; media, communication and social security in hybrid societies.
RSP provides "open access" to all issues beginning to issue 6-7/ 2005

RSP Archive 2005-2024

Revista de stiinte politice nr.80/2023

Revista de stiinte politice nr.79/2023

Revista de stiinte politice nr.78/2023

Revista de stiinte politice nr.77/2023

Revista de stiinte politice nr.76/2022

Revista de stiinte politice nr.75/2022

Revista de stiinte politice nr.74/2022

Revista de stiinte politice nr.73/2022

Revista de stiinte politice nr.72/2021

Revista de stiinte politice nr.71/2021

Revista de stiinte politice nr.70/2021

Revista de stiinte politice nr.69/2021

Revista de stiinte politice nr.68/2020

Revista de stiinte politice nr.67/2020

Revista de stiinte politice nr.66/2020

Revista de stiinte politice nr.65/2020

Revista de stiinte politice nr.64/2019

Revista de stiinte politice nr.63/2019

Revista de stiinte politice nr.62/2019

Revista de stiinte politice nr.61/2019

Revista de stiinte politice nr.60/2018

Revista de stiinte politice nr.59/2018

Revista de stiinte politice nr.58/2018

Revista de stiinte politice nr.57/2018

Revista de stiinte politice nr.56/2017

Revista de stiinte politice nr.55/2017

Revista de stiinte politice nr.54

Revista de stiinte politice nr.53

Revista de stiinte politice nr.52

Revista de stiinte politice nr.51

Revista de stiinte politice nr.50

Revista de stiinte politice nr.49

Revista de stiinte politice nr.48

Revista de stiinte politice nr.47

Revista de stiinte politice nr.46

Revista de stiinte politice nr.45

Revista de stiinte politice nr.44

Revista de stiinte politice nr.43

Revista de stiinte politice nr.42

Revista de stiinte politice nr.41

Revista de stiinte politice nr.40

Revista de stiinte politice nr.39

Revista de stiinte politice nr.37-38

Revista de stiinte politice nr.36

Revista de stiinte politice nr.35

Revista de stiinte politice nr.33-34

Revista de stiinte politice nr.32

Revista de stiinte politice nr.30-31

Revista de stiinte politice nr.29

Revista de stiinte politice nr.28

Revista de stiinte politice nr.27

Revista de stiinte politice nr.26

Revista de stiinte politice nr.25

Revista de stiinte politice nr.24

Revista de stiinte politice nr.23

Revista de stiinte politice nr.21-22

Revista de stiinte politice nr.20

Revista de stiinte politice nr.18-19

Revista de stiinte politice nr.17

Revista de stiinte politice nr.16

Revista de stiinte politice nr.15

Revista de stiinte politice nr.14

Revista de stiinte politice nr.13

Revista de stiinte politice nr.12

Revista de stiinte politice nr.11

Revista de stiinte politice nr.9-10

Revista de stiinte politice nr.8

Revista de stiinte politice nr.6-7

CEPOS - The Center of Post-Communist Political Studies